Finding Strength in God at Rock Bottom
David’s ‘rock bottom’ moment came when he and his men returned to find their city burning and their families gone. But in that moment, David manages to find strength in His God, and that changes everything!
David’s ‘rock bottom’ moment came when he and his men returned to find their city burning and their families gone. But in that moment, David manages to find strength in His God, and that changes everything!
Jonathan was a massive help and encouragement to David. He was a true friend and helped David find strength in God when he needed it. The loss of Jonathan was huge for David and something that perhaps he never recovered from
Relationships are sometimes tough. David had a particularly difficult relationship with Saul. What does it take for a man after God’s own heart to respond to such difficulties well? David response to Saul teaches us much!
The life of David begins by offering a stark contrast between two men – David and Saul. Their lives teach us much about what it does and doesn’t mean to be a man after God’s own heart…
Where is God in our Waiting? Amidst seasons of uncertainty our waiting is often a huge challenge in lots of areas. Waiting often leads to disappointment and we must respond with Faith and Hope
God’s promises to Abram are pivotal to the story of the whole Bible. Through them God announced His plan to bless many generations of people and make them a blessing to all nations of the earth…
God is looking for people to step out and step up in faith. Deborah, Barak ad Jael are such people whom God uses to bring about a great deliverance for His people…
There are plenty of lessons to learn from the returning exiles who rebuilt the temple and the walls of Jerusalem amidst fierce opposition. As we emerge from the pandemic how do we too build back and engage with God in a process of spiritual restoration and renewal?
I’ve always loved King David. The early and quite difficult years were vital to allowing him to ‘Build to Last’ over a lifetime….
In order to build to last it is critical to find the place where we can trust God amidst all that life brings